Kiley Neff {Wegerzyn Gardens Metropark Senior Session}

I met Kiley on her sister’s wedding day a few years ago when we had to work around thunderstorms in Cincinnati. While we didn’t have storms to contend with on this shoot, we DID have mosquitos. Like, a million of them. Kiley’s mom was prepared with bug spray, and it’s a good thing you can’t smell pictures, because your nose would tingle with citronella as you scroll through. Regardless of the bug attacks, we had an awesome session. Kiley is so sweet and has a peaceful confidence about her that give her such poise. I loved getting to know her throughout this shoot, and am so thankful for the opportunity to work with her. 

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your senior year, Kiley! You’re going to do amazing things!

do small things with great love
